Amazon Product Image Requirements an Amazon Product Photo Listing Guidelines

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Amazon product image requirements specifies that the product images should be 1000 pixels or larger in either height or width, as this will enable zoom function on the website (zoom has proven to enhance sales). The smallest your file should be is 500 pixels on the longest side. Amazon accepts JPEG (.jpg), TIFF (.tif), or GIF (.gif) file formats. JPEG is preferable over other formats. Amazon clothing image requirements are as follows with a high quality image background must be white. To enable zoom functionality Images uploaded must be at least 1,001px on the longest side. Product must be photographed on model or flat. The model should be standing and main images must be in the front of the product. Female model should use for women’s products and male model for men’s products. Images must be appropriate for all ages and multiple angles of each product are preferred. All Kids & Baby items should be photographed flat and not focus on models.

Amazon Product Image Requirements:

To help making your product stand out from the competition Amazon requires high-quality feature driven product images that can turn Amazon listing visitors into buyers.

Technical Requirements
To start selling Product’s in Amazon you must meet the following technical specifications.
• TIFF (.tif/.tiff), JPEG (.jpeg/.jpg), GIF (.gif) and PNG (.png) format.
• Image dimension should be at least 1000 or larger in either height or width preferred.
• sRGB or CMYK color mode.

Amazon Product Images Standards
Amazon maintains the following product image standards:
• A professional photograph image.
• Confusing contents is not allowed with the product.
• The image must be in focus, with realistic color, and smooth edges.
• The full product must be in frame. The product and props should fill 85% or more of the image frame.
• Backgrounds must be pure white
• Offensive materials and Pornographic are not allowed.

Amazon photo editing service can ensure your product images can quickly communicate with the customers also helps to separates your products from the rest. Clip Cutout is an expert on this can help you to attract the buyers through clear, bright and attractive product image and make them interested to buy the product. Our Amazon photo editing services includes background removal, cropping, retouching, image masking, resizing, many more.

Our product photo editing services are optimized for Amazon, eBay among other online market places and sales channels. While editing product images we follow Amazon guidelines to ensuring sales and success in Amazon.

Here is the list of additional Amazon product photo requirements:
• The product you want to sell its image must be resembled to the product.
• To help demonstrate the use or scale of product other products or objects are allowed.
• Images those are cropped or close-up with backgrounds and environments is allowed.
• Images contain text and demonstrative graphics are allowed.

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